Breakfast of Champions
Are you one of those people who truly enjoy eating breakfast or one of those people who race out the door in the morning with coffee in hand?? In my opinion, breakfast truly is one of the most...
View ArticleNeural Fatigue: A Short Investigation into Neural Fatigue During Exercise
For anyone that has been an avid athlete or have just been involved in sports, we all know that fatigue is the killer of any great performance. At this level, we have likely all experienced muscle...
View ArticleThe Supplements Taken By a Natural Bodybuilder
Aside from training and diet, supplements are likely next on the list as to what people look to in order to make progress in the gym. Supplements are great, but they are just that…supplements. They are...
View ArticleThe Life of a Bobsledder
Having played football for a decade before I started bobsleigh, I thought I knew something about being a speed power athlete. But I quickly found out the size of fish in this new ocean were much bigger...
View ArticleSAD: Seasonal Affective Disorder
In the fall and winter a lot of us notice our mood and our energy decrease and often we ignore it or we believe it to be normal during the dark cold months. Seasonal affective disorder is a real...
View ArticleMeet the Athlete: Timi Agbaje
My off season training is the most grueling part especially getting back I the groove of things that the first month really sucks but having my rivalus products makes things that much easier and makes...
View ArticleWhat’s your WHY?
For most of us, life becomes a bit of a routine. You wake up, eat, go to work, eat, train, eat, sleep, repeat. For some of you, there may be more kids, less training… or more work, less training… or no...
View ArticleBuild a Stronger Booty
Let’s face it girls….who out there doesn’t want a fantastic bottom?? Some women are lucky to be born with a butt that some of us would give our last breath over, while others (like myself) have to work...
View ArticlePrepping While on Vacation
In writing this I am currently 10 weeks away from stepping on the Canadian National stage for my first bodybuilding competition of 2017. In writing this I am also just getting back from a trip to...
View ArticleTraining and Your Menstrual Cycle
Okay, ladies. This one is for us. If you’ve ever monitored your body closely and how it changes throughout your cycle, you may really notice how right before and during your period you feel weak and...
View ArticleDesigning Strength & Conditioning Programs
Strength and conditioning mean many different things to many different people. However, conditioning refers to an athlete’s development of strength, speed, power, and agility. Each sport varies in the...
View ArticleValuing Teenage Gym Members
Walking into the crowded gym I look around observing the members. I think to myself “all these people from all ages and fitness levels share this one room together” In one corner is the elderly...
View ArticleA Day in the Life of a Natural Bodybuilder
Beep. Beep. Beep. 5 AM and the alarm goes off. Morning already? Jeez, feels like I just went to sleep. Oh well, time to get up! Slowly but surely I make my way down the hallway to the washroom. A quick...
View ArticleTraining is Stressful
Like many, when I train I am relieved of most of the stresses that come with being a human. Being an adult. Those endorphins get flowing and we all just eventually start to feel darn good. Also like...
View ArticleLearn to Love Mornings with RIVALUS
It is always hard to get up in the morning, especially if you have a nice warm bed with puppies who love to cuddle! I have grown to have a love-hate relationship with mornings. Waking up in the morning...
View ArticleUgly Duckling versus Swan
It’s springtime Rivalus Fans!!! We all know what that means….summer is soon approaching. Time to squeeze into those short shorts, bikinis, crop tops, tank tops, speedos or whatever you may choose to...
View ArticleClassic Berry Protein Smoothie
Classic Berry Protein Smoothie Total Time: 5min Level: Easy 2 servings Ingredients: 1 scoop of Rivalus Native 100 Mixed Berry Protein 1 Banana 2 cups of PC 4 Berry Blend frozen fruit 1 cup of milk 1/2...
View ArticleMy Training Split
As I’m typing this I am currently just under 4 weeks out from CBBF Natural Nationals. This will be my biggest and likely most challenging competition to date, with athletes from all across Canada...
View ArticleBreakfast with RIVALUS
Breakfast, in my opinion, is the most delicious meal of the day! All of my favorite foods are breakfast foods from bacon, eggs, toast, to oatmeal, waffles, pancakes, and fruit. There are so many ways...
View ArticleMeet the Athlete: Crystal Gray
Hello, TeamRIVALUS world! I wanted my first blog post to be an introduction to all of you as I begin a new journey in my fitness world having the honor to represent this amazing company as a new...
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